Favourite Website Awards

The Favourite Website Awards (FWA) is a website awards program, established in England in 2000, showcasing websites who use cutting edge technology, together with inspirational ideas, that lead the way for future generations.

FWA showcases one site every day, a Site Of The Day (SOTD), with a Site Of The Month (SOTM) being selected at the end of each calendar month from that month’s SOTDs. At the end of each year the twelve SOTM winners enter the contest for the People’s Choice Award (PCA), first introduced in 2002, and for the overall Site Of The Year (SOTY), first established in 2000.

FWA’s visitors choose the PCA winner by participating in a year-end public vote, with each visitor able to cast a single vote. The SOTM with the highest number of votes after a two-week period of voting is declared the People’s Choice for the given year.

SOTY is decided by a leading industry panel who participate in two rounds of judging, the first narrowing the twelve SOTM winners down to two sites, with the final round of judging giving a unanimous winner… the Site Of The Year for the given year.

FWA features interviews and articles with designers and developers of winning websites, including the established and well known and the new generation, the future of the web.

FWA also features themed wallpapers from winning designers and a comprehensive searchable database spanning back to 2000.

FWA is a project originally developed by "treecity", an agency that was short-listed for the Yell UK Web Awards 2000, in the Best Web Design Agency, UK, category.

Those wishing to submit their website to the FWA can do so for a small administration fee. Websites that are featured on the FWA usually see an extra 10,000 visitors in their first week directly from the FWA alone.

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